
p. 108

Generic Gambling

Unless there are more detailed rules available for a specific type of gambling, it can be resolved with a competitive Average () Cool or Deception check between each of the characters engaged in the gambling (players choose Cool if they wish to play it straight, and Deception if they want to rely on bluffing and guile). Each character wagers a certain amount of money, and the winner of the check wins the entire pot. If there are no winners, the pot remains for another round.

Gambling Bonus Symbols

and can be spent to either gain an advantage for later rounds of gambling, or to represent good or bad wagers made during the round.

  • Success: Additional could represent a particularly good hand of cards or roll of the dice.
  • Advantage: Characters may spend to decrease the amount of their own wager or increase the amount of an opponent's wager by one half the original wager, representing their ability to cut their losses or bluff an opponent into betting more. They may also spend to gain to their check during the next round.
  • Triumph: can be spent in the same way as to raise or lower wagers; however if it is spent in this manner it should increase or decrease the wager by twice the original amount, instead of half.
  • Threat: might increase a character's losing wager by one half of the original wager. can also inflict strain as normal, or can cause a character to suffer a during their next round of gambling.
  • Despair: Among other things, could represent a particularly poor bet, doubling a character's losing wager.


Characters can also use Skulduggery on a gambling check, if they want to try their hands at outright cheating.

The check still works as normal, however, if the check generates any Despair results, they result in the character being caught cheating by the other players. This could result in unfortunate consequences.