
Characteristic: Intellect

p. 123

Education includes at least a basic grounding in the mathematics, the basic sciences, and enough understanding of engineering principles to perform basic repairs. Many also study the basics of philosophy, politics, and galactic history. From there, an understanding of the various dominant species and cultures across the galaxy provides a complement to a well-rounded education.

Education also represents a default Knowledge skill. Any time a question comes up that doesn't obviously fall under one of the other Knowledge skills, Education may be used to represent the character's understanding of a particular subject matter.

  • • Any time a character needs to interact with a government entity, an Education check may be made to identify the best way to proceed.

  • • If a character needs to employ basic scientific knowledge in an analysis, their understanding of this field is represented by their Education skill.

Education Difficulty

The difficulty for an Education check is typically best represented by the rarity of the data in question.