
p. 283

The Move Power is one of the simplest Force Powers, although its very simplicity allows for many instances of creative use. When moving these items, the default movement speed is considered to be relatively slow and deliberate, not fast enough to cause damage.

Move and Duration

As written, the Move Power does not have a set duration. This is intentional. During narrative gameplay, the duration can be as long as it needs to be; in general, users will be moving items from one point to another. If they do need to keep an item suspended for a short period of time, that's perfectly acceptable and does not require a second check.

Of course, if they do need to keep an item suspended for a long period of time (more than several minutes), the GM can decide to require a second check, or start inflicting strain on the Force user as they attempt to maintain the Power.

Move During Encounters

The same holds true for durations during encounters. Generally, Force users suspend items for a single round when they use the Move Power. If they wish to lift an item for multiple rounds, the GM could treat that as an ongoing effect, requiring the Force user to commit to maintain the Power.

For particularly large items (silhouette 2 or larger, for example), the GM can also inflict strain equal to the silhouette each round the Force user maintains the Power. However, this is up to the GM, based on the circumstances of the encounter.

Force Power Tree

Move Force Power Tree