
Dice Origins

Positive Dice () Come FromNegative Dice () Come From
The skill used to accomplish a taskThe difficulty of the task attempted
The characteristic being appliedAn opponent's special abilities, skills, or characteristics
An applicable talent or special abilityOpposing forces at work
Equipment or gear being used by the characterInclement weather or environmental effects
The use of light side Destiny PointsThe use of dark side Destiny Points
Tactical or situational advantagesTactical or situational disadvantages
Other advantages, as determined by the GMOther disadvantages, as determined by the CM

Positive Dice

Boost ()Light blued6Thematic opposite of Setback die
Ability ()Greend8Opposed by Difficulty dice
Proficiency ()Yellowd12Upgraded version of Ability die

Negative Dice

Setback ()Blackd6Thematic opposite of Boost die
Difficulty ()Purpled8Opposed by Ability dice
Challenge ()Redd12Upgraded version of Difficulty die

Other Dice

Force ()Whited12Generates resources ()
PercentileN/A2xd10(or d100)

Positive Dice Results

NameAppears OnNotes
Success ()Boost, Ability, ProficiencyEach Failure cancels one Success
Advantage ()Boost, Ability, ProficiencyEach Threat cancels one Advantage
Triumph ()ProficiencyEach Triumph counts as one Success and one special effect trigger

Negative Dice Results

NameAppears OnNotes
Failure ()Setback, Difficulty, ChallengeEach Failure cancels one Success
Threat ()Setback, Difficulty, ChallengeEach Threat cancels one Advantage
Despair ()ChallengeEach Despair counts as one Failure and one special effect trigger