
BH-ND p. 20

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  • • Wound Threshold: 9 + Brawn
  • • Strain Threshold: 9 + Willpower
  • • Starting Experience: 95 XP
  • • Special Abilities: Clawdites begin the game with one rank in Resilience. They still may not train Resilience above rank 2 during character creation.
  • • Changeling: As an action, a Clawdite may suffer 3 strain and make an Average () Resilience check. If the Clawdite succeeds, they change their appearance to match that of a silhouette 1 character whom they have observed before.
    • An observing character must make opposed Perception vs Deception check to detect that something is amiss with the impersonated character's likeness, mannerisms, or behavior. As always, the GM can add or for situational effects that might affect the check, such as if the Clawdite's garb does not match expectations or if the Clawdite has studied the impersonated individual's mannerisms closely.

Homeworld: Zolan

Language: Zolanese, Basic

Common Professions: Smugglers, Bounty Hunters, Explorers, Technicians, specialized Colonists, self-reliant professions over which they have a high degree of control