Planetary Scale

See also: Range Bands

Planetary Scale versus Personal Scale

Genesys Core p. 239

Vehicles are bigger than people. They also tend to move faster, and if they have weapons, those weapons are much more powerful than something a person can carry. This is represented by Planetary scale (as opposed to Personal scale, which is what characters operate in most of the time). Planetary scale is just Personal scale, but expanded.

Planetary Scale Combat

When dealing with a vehicle’s weapons, Armor, and Hull Trauma Threshold, every point is equal to ten points of the equivalent characteristic in the personal scale.

Vehicle Weapons in Personal Scale

Planetary scale weapons deal massive amounts of damage to individuals. Most hits deal enough damage to far exceed a character’s Wound Threshold, automatically incapacitating the target.

Vehicle Weapons and Critical Injuries

However, you may feel this is insufficient to represent the power of these weapons, so you may have characters add +50 to the resulting Critical Injury roll. (Also, those “hit” by a Planetary scale weapon might be on the periphery of the blast zone, explaining why they survived somewhat unscathed.)

To avoid having weapons such as blaster pistols dealing Critical Hits to heavily armored combat craft, their damage must exceed a starship’s Armor before the shot can inflict a Critical Hit.

Item Quality: Personal Scale

This Quality exists only for vehicle weapons. This quality exists for small-scale weapons on a vehicle, such as the repeating blaster on a landspeeder, or a grenade launcher on an armored transport.

The Quality has the following rule: this vehicle weapon’s entire profile uses Personal scale instead of Planetary scale.